Happy Monday, Cadet Nation!
It's hard to believe it, but we are almost at the end of the first semester! It has been incredibly fulfilling to watch our students work hard every single day as they strive to reach their academic goals. I have also enjoyed watching the go above and beyond as they have represented the Cadet Standard in their various competitions and service organizations. We have amazing students on each of our campuses, and they have certainly made their community proud these past few months!
Over the weekend, our UIL Academic Team hosted an invitational tournament for area schools. The competition started at 8:00 AM and lasted until 7:00 PM that night. With over 400 entries from across the state, it was a big event! We had volunteers from each of our campuses come up to help out, and their hard work helped ensure that everything ran smoothly! We received several compliments from each of the participating schools, many of whom eagerly announced that they would be returning to our next competition in January!
While I know that everyone is anxiously counting down the days until the winter break, we have several exciting events between now and December 20. Between holiday concerts, class parties, and several sporting events, there's plenty of great activities for our families to enjoy as they gear up for the break!
I encourage you to take the time to read each of our campus newsletters. There are tons of great things happening in each of our buildings!
Jill Bottelberghe