Happy October!
This week's focus is on the new Eureka Math adoption for grades K-5.
Eureka Math is a math curriculum used in many Texas schools for several reasons, including:
Conceptual understanding: Students learn to think about math concepts instead of just memorizing answers
Real-world application: Students learn to apply math to real-world scenarios
Collaboration: Students work together to debate concepts and figure out how to reach conclusions
Student-led groups: Students are allowed to choose which math methods work best for them
Alignment with Texas standards: Eureka Math TEKS Edition is based on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards
Assessment: Eureka Math includes periodic opportunities to assess student learning, such as Exit Tickets, topic quizzes, and module assessments
Support for teachers: Great Minds coaches provide personalized coaching to help teachers improve implementation
The Texas Education Agency chose Great Minds to develop Eureka Math in 2020. As of February 2024, over 400 Texas school districts, both public and private, have adopted Eureka Math. Connally ISD has elected to use Eureka, and CISD teachers and leaders are receiving training and ongoing support through the Education Service Center.
One great thing about Eureka is the informational center for parents! This link will take you to the Family Math Support Center for Great Minds which owns Eureka. From there you can further drill down (see below).