Welcome back to another exciting week! We hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and stayed warm with the snowfall! The students were excited chatting about it as they came in this morning. This week is National No Name-Calling Week where students are encouraged to use kind words and not use hurtful names.
This week, we will also be wrapping up our middle of the year MAP testing. We will be using data from this benchmark as well as classroom data to send out letters indicating if your child will be required to attend school on Intervention Friday. These letters will be sent out sometime next week.
Our first Intervention Friday is on February 7th. Some reasons your child may be required to attend Intervention Friday include but are not limited to:
Chronic Absenteeism
Not on grade level according to MAP benchmark/limited growth on MAP benchmark
Not reading grade level text fluently
Multi-Step word problems for addition & subtraction and/or multiplication & division
Math fact fluency
Writing Composition
Services such as Dyslexia or English as a Second Language Instruction
Don't forget that for the entire month of January, all students report to school for a full day of instruction (7:30-3:45) on Friday. All students will report to school on Friday, January 24th and Friday, January 31st.
Big Kahuna Fundraiser starts on Monday, January 27th. Please help us raise money. We use this money to fund our spring and end of the year activities.