Dear Parents/Guardians,
Its hard to believe we just finished the 6th week of school! This year is flying by! Our teachers are busy finalizing grades for progress reports today. These reports will be available to you on Thursday in Skyward. I encourage you to login and view your student's grades to check progress. While these grades are not the final grades for the 1st 9 weeks, they are a good indication of the progress your child is making so far this school year. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's grades, please reach out to your child's teacher through Rooms.
CES will have a Eureka Math Informational Night on Tuesday, October 1st from 5-6 PM. Eureka is the new math curriculum we are using for K-5th grade. We will give information about Eureka, and do a sample lesson for parents so you can see how it is being taught in the classroom. If you are curious, please come ask questions! We look forward to seeing you. This will be different from our Family Night on October 22nd. On Family Night, we will have our annual Title 1 Parent Meeting, Book Fair, as well as different stations for you and your child around the campus.
This week is Homecoming Week! It is always an exciting week around Connally ISD. We will have our annual parade on Wednesday evening starting at 6:45 PM. We will have some Modern Gentlemen and Classy Cadets representing out campus. At this time, we are limited to 10 boys and 10 girls, and those students had a permission slip sent home already. I wish we could have everyone join, but we are very limited on space! We hope to see you at the Homecoming game on Friday evening! As a reminder, students must have an adult with them at the game the entire time unless they are in 9th grade or older.