Dear Parents/Guardians,
Last week our campus had Red Ribbon Week, which means we learned about being drug free and bully free. We had dress up days each week to include a parade on Tuesday. It was fun to see our staff members and students participate!
This week our 5th grade girls will have their spinal screenings done by Nurse White. This is mandated from the state to determine if your child's spine is growing correctly. Nurse White went to all classes last week, and sent a letter home with information. Girls are encouraged to wear a sports bra, swimsuit top, or other top under their shirt if they would feel more comfortable. If they do not wear one of these items, they will still be covered for modesty. Girls may also bring a hair tie to tie back loose hair. This is for 5th grade girls only.
Our teachers have been holding parent conferences for each student in their classes to discuss student achievement, goals, and behavior. If you have not yet scheduled a conference with your child's teacher, please reach out so we can help you get one scheduled.