Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather we have had last week. It is starting to feel like Fall outside, and we are loving it! As the weather feels cooler in the mornings, students may begin bringing jackets and taking them off when it gets warmer in the afternoon. We have already had some lost jackets around the building. If your child is already missing their jacket, we have some lost items on the bench by the front office!
Tomorrow, we will have an event called SWARM at CES that is put on by Waco PD and other law enforcement agencies. Please do not be alarmed if you see a heavy police presence on Tuesday- it will be a memorable event for our students!
Our Family Night will also be tomorrow, October 22nd from 5:30- 7:00. We will have a short Title 1 Parent informational meeting starting at 5:30, and then there will be learning activities around the building for the rest of the evening. We look forward to seeing you and your family!
Teachers should be contacting you for parent conferences. If you have not yet heard from your child's teacher, please send a message requesting a conference. We want to partner with you to share with you the great things we see from your child at school, as well as some areas of growth. It is truly a partnership educating children that we cannot do alone! We appreciate all of the support we have had so far this year!
I have included some Eureka Math Family Tip Sheets below to go along with information your child is currently learning in the classroom.