Dear Parents/Guardians,
We have officially completed the 1st 9 weeks! This school year seems to be flying by! You will receive your child's report card later this week. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's grades, please contact your child's teacher for more information.
We need you help! Our cell phone policy states that all students must keep their cell phones turned off and in their backpacks during the school day. Some of our students have been keeping them in their pockets and attempting to use them during the school day. Please remind your child of this policy in order to eliminate this classroom distraction. All cell phones that are not in backpacks will be confiscated and sent to the front office. Thank you for your support with this policy.
Please see below for some Eureka Math Tips for Families. These Tip Sheets show some ways you can help your child at home with Math with what your child is currently learning in the classroom.
As a reminder- next week we will have our Book Fair and CES Family Night on October 22nd with our Title 1 Annual Parent Meeting. We look forward to seeing you!
Kona Ice is coming this week on Wednesday, and Thursday will be our Pink Out day!