Happy Tuesday!
I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day holiday. It always comes at a good time of year after the busyness of back-to-school!
This week our kindergarten students will begin taking the MAP assessment. MAP helps us to identify the specific needs of each student. We ask that parents make every effort to have their child present each day so that this assessment is not missed.
We are also kicking off our Schoolstore Fundraiser this week. This is a great way to help your child's teacher earn money to buys supplies for his/her classroom. In addition to helping the individual teacher, this fundraiser also gives a percentage of all sales to the school! We use those funds to help with many things such as field trips and fun activities. When you sign up to participate, your child will receive a Book Buddy wrist bracelet. They are so cute the kids love earning the prizes!
Please reach out if I can assist you in any way!
Christy Bowling, Principal