Greetings, CECC Families!
We had a wonderful first week back after the holiday break. The students jumped right back into their routines and did a great job.
This week we will begin our middle-of-the-year assessments to determine who much growth each student has made. Pre-K takes the Circle test and Kindergarten takes the MAP assessment. It is very important to have your child at school every day during the two week testing window. Please also encourage your children to work hard on these assessments to show all that they have learned!
I would like to remind everyone that during the month of January every Friday is a full instructional day for all students. There are no Intervention Fridays during January.
Remember that the school day starts promptly at 7:30am. Teachers begin teaching right away so please have your child at school before 7:30! Breakfast is available each day for all students beginning at 7:00am.
Teachers use the Rooms app to communicate with parents. If you are not receiving messages from Rooms, please email your child's teacher to find out how to get connected!
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Bowling